Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hats Off To Jesus!

Tomorrow is our last day of school! It can't come soon enough for me, however, Jacie and I are attending a three day conference in Columbus. What were we thinking?? I know what we were thinking...a couple nights away, shopping at Easton and eating good food.

Scott's baseball banquet was tonight. Parker had a great time. He fell down and cut his knee. He was bleeding a little. Then he fell down and scratched his head. He was playing in the rocks with a stick and his truck (trying to put rocks in the truck and push it around) and somehow he fell. I was eating. Scott was taking care of him and before he even presented his baseball stuff, all three of us were covered in dirt, grass, tears and snot. All in all, I'd say it went pretty well.

Summer ball starts next week. Yahoo.

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