Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!

Today was such a great day! I woke up to Scott and Parker meeting me in bed with a card, a fern plant for the front porch and a willow tree figure of a mommy with her two babies. One is a boy standing and the other baby is being held by the mommy. For lunch we went to my parent's for lunch. Nothing says "yummm" like cheesy pots and steak. To top off my 2nd annual Mother's Day, Parker is walking!! He has been walking around all day long. He kinda started to walk Thursday night a little more and every night he was walking a little more and today he has been walking all the time. It's great!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, that is wonderful!! Happy Mother's Day to you, sweet mama. Hope you're doing well!
