Well, lastnight i had trouble sleeping, but tonight i really can't sleep so i'll update on my dr. visit today...
First things first....dr. mitchell is gone!! he was the young, good looking dr. (scott did not agree) that was working with dr. prior. he is now gone forever and in his place....robert dinero (as described by the nurse.) the new doc is short, stocky and in my opinion, can't read a chart.
he starts off my visit by asking how things are going, i saw well, excpet for these pains that i feel like i am being stabbed in the va-jay-jay with a sharp knife or that my baby is trying to drop one body part at a time through it. he then tells me that i tested negative for the strep b. i tell him i haven't even done the strep b test yet and ta boot, i tested positive for it and i had to have the antibiotic in my iv with parker. he covers that by saying "but your baby tested negative." yes that is true, parker tested negative, or at least i think he did. he was fine after delivery.
then we talk about my last delivery and my plan for this one. i said parker's birth went pretty well, not a lot of pain thanks to my epidural, but a little trouble when pushing him out...they had to use the suction thingy bc he had his right hand up by his face, bent at the elbow. dr. dinero says a fancy word to impress me as to his position, i don't care. i told him "suction" he thinks i said "c-section" which leads to another pointless conversation. he then asks if i plan on having an epidural the second time around, i say yes. he starts into a convo about how it is hard to push, blah blah blah and how long did i push with parker. i tell him that my huband tells me it was about 20 minutes which suprises dr. dinero. i tell him that i could feel the onset of the contractions and it wasn't difficult, it was the fact that his arm was in the way. i did forget to mention the huge tear that came from the whole thing, but i'm sure if he were to read my chart correctly, he would see that.
i went to schedule my next apt. though and mary set me up with dr. prior next time so i'm just going to mention that i don't feel comfortable with the new tool bag and i'd rather, if at all possible, if he could be the one to deliver.
it was very nice though to have the nurse tell me that she wants me to get prego again so they can see me in the office bc they like me. i told her i'd visit and i really didn't want to be prego again or at least a long time from now. never say never. she told me i was going to jinx myself. i love it there! (minus the new dude)
Art Museum
10 years ago
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