Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wanted: Dog Groomer

Let me tell you a little story....

So as I told you, I was super sick and had to be put in the hospital. Well, it turned out that I had an appointment with Sherri Lyons on the Tues. before I had to be put in the hospital. This was the day I woke up at 5:30 in the morning running to the bathroom and going every hour on the hour, like clockwork. It turns out that it slipped my mind to take my dog to get her haircut. Well, I felt so bad that after I got out of the hospital I called and told her how sorry I was and that I would still like to take them. So she makes me another appointment for the following Tues. over my lunch break. Well, that was my first day back at school and let's just say, it was not easy. I came home at lunch, when I could have picked up my dog, but instead I had to spend 30 minutes in the bathroom, food still going straight through me. So, I miss another appointment. I felt terrible, but this virus has held on for over two weeks. The doctor wanted me to come back yesterday and get another sample taken, thinking things were not good. I decided not to go. Anywho, I have to make arrangements for my dad to take the dogs on Wednesday, the 18th to take them. I had to leave my car here and dad not only had to get the dogs there, but get Parker in the car too. I told him to give her a good tip because I felt so bad. Well, good thing he didn't tip her at all because she charged us $100. Not only did we just get charged for the cuts, $70, but she charged me for missing one of the appointments. I couldn't believe it! I understand that she needs to make her money, but come on. I have spent over 500 hours sitting on the toilet or puking into it in the last two weeks. It's not like I was hanging out at the bar having a great ol' time, I was dying (really I thought my body was slowly shutting down and I really was dying, I have never been so sick.) Not to mention, she never once has said anything to us about charging for missed appointments. She said "Well, I only charged them for one, not two." Oh thank you! In return, we are NEVER going back to her ever again. So if you have a groomer that you use, who doesn't rip you off, please let me know. Thanks a bunch!


  1. That is just rotten all around. I'm so sorry! Good grief, I'm worried about you! What does your doctor say? This can't be good. Get better soon, okay? Big HUGS!!

  2. Missy Mills
    Highly recommend her, super nice
    Lives in Rosco
